Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast paced world.
Feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Disconnected? Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to tend to your own needs. There is always time to create a sense of calm to reconnect to yourself. Even if it is just a few minutes each day. Give yourself a few minutes to relax here. In this space.
Join Hannah every week for a short guided meditation practice. You'll be amazed at the difference a few minutes of meditation can make. You'll love the sense of calm that exists within.
Note: try listening with headphones/airpods for an even better experience
Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Relax into the Pause: Cultivating Mindfulness
Hello and Welcome!
This week's meditation is focused on Relaxing into the Pause.
This short guided meditation is focused on relaxing helping you relax into the pause. You know-that space between something happening and your reaction to it. That space between each breath.
Settle in and notice how much calmer you feel after a just a few minutes of meditation.
Visit the website at learn more about Hannah Castillo and her meditation practice.
Connect on instagram @love_your_calm
You can hear more of Hannah's meditations on the Aura app.
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Hannah Castillo: Welcome to the love your calm podcast mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast paced world.
Hello and welcome. Thank you for being here today. My name is Hannah and I'm really happy you're here. Adding a few minutes of meditation to your day, focusing on your self care.
This week's meditation is all about allowing yourself to relax into the pause. That space that exists between what happens in your life and how you respond to it. That space that exists between each breath.
So let's get started.
Let's begin by finding a position that feels comfortable for you. Take any movements you might need. Go ahead and shift around in your seat until you find yourself settling into a position that feels good for you today. If you would like, you can close your eyes or even just soften your gaze.
When you are ready, I invite you to begin to shift your attention to your breath. Let's take a couple of intentional breaths here together.
Inhale slowly and exhale fully. Taking your time.
Inhale again completely and exhale slowly, releasing any tension you may be holding.
Allow your breath to settle into its natural rhythm, feeling the gentle rise and fall of your stomach. There is no rush. No where you need to be at this moment as you give yourself permission to relax into this pause.
Letting go of any stress, any worry, releasing any doubt.
Allowing yourself to be here right now, in this space, in this moment.
In this pause.
When you are ready, take one final round of breath, allowing yourself to fully relax.
And when it is comfortable for you, begin to bring your awareness back to the space around you.
Take any movements you may need and slowly open your eyes. Take note of the feeling of calm that you've cultivated during this short practice and carry this with you as you return to your day.
Thank you for joining me for today's short practice. It means so much to me that you've chosen to spend a few minutes of your day here. For those of you who have reached out, thank you for sharing your story and for sharing how adding a few minutes of meditation into your day has been so beneficial for you. If this practice was helpful for you, please consider rating it or leaving a review so others can find the practice more easily.
And as always, thank you for helping me to spread the word that just a few minutes of meditation really can make a difference.
Until next week...