Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast-paced world.
If you have been feeling stressed, overwhelmed or even disconnected, you're in the right place. If you are focusing on personal growth, committing to a consistent self-care plan, or even making an effort to reconnect with yourself, you're in the right place. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to tend to your own needs. These short, soothing meditations can help.
Meditation doesn't have to be intimidating. Anyone can do it. Give it a try. Most of these meditations are around 8 minutes and will help you feel calmer. Relax into this award winning guided meditation podcast led by mental health therapist and coach, Hannah Castillo. You'll love the sense of calm that exists within.
Note: try listening with headphones/airpods for an even better experience
For more information, visit https://loveyourcalm.buzzsprout.com
Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
I am Grateful for Today Meditation
Hello and Welcome!
This week's meditation comes is by request. A couple of listeners have reached out and asked me for a meditation that uses an affirmation.
Today's practice uses the affirmation "I am grateful for today."
This short guided meditation encourages you to include gratitude in your day. Practicing gratitude consistently can help to boost your mood and shirft your overall thought patterns.
Visit the website at https://www.love-your-calm.com learn more about Hannah Castillo and her meditation practice.
Connect on instagram @love_your_calm
You can hear more of Hannah's meditations on the Aura app.
Use this link to get 30 days free.
Hannah Castillo: Welcome to the Love your calm podcast mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast paced world.
Hello and welcome. My name is Hannah and I'm so happy you're here today. Thank you for choosing to join me for a few minutes of meditation. A couple of people have requested a meditation using an affirmation.
So this week's practice uses the affirmation "I am grateful for today."
Let's get started.
This week, let's begin by finding a comfortable position. Take a few minutes to settle into a position that feels good for you. You may be sitting spine straight, feet planted on the floor. Or maybe it's more comfortable for you to sit cross legged today, spine straight and hands resting comfortably in your lap. If it feels okay for you, consider closing your eyes or maybe just soften your gaze.
When you are ready, begin to shift your attention to your breath. There's no need to change anything, just simply allow your focus to rest with your breath as it continues with its natural rhythm.
I invite you to consider how it may feel to begin to engage include gratitude in your day. So often, gratitude seems to be viewed as something that is earned, something offered after a big gesture or an event. Today, consider viewing gratitude in a more intentional way. To try focusing on including gratitude in your day, consider using this simple affirmation as a reminder.
I am grateful for today.
Gratitude doesn't have to be reserved for the big events in our lives. I invite you to consider this and choose gratitude daily. Maybe including it in your daily intentions. Consider how it might feel to spend a few minutes every day acknowledging gratitude for the life you are living. Expressing gratitude for being able to share this life with those you love. Gratitude for the opportunity to connect with others. For the chance to love and be loved.
I am grateful for the life I am living.
I invite you to return to gratitude even if you are feeling challenged. To feel grateful for the opportunity to be here. Learning. Growing. To take a moment to feel gratitude even when you are feeling overwhelmed.
I am grateful.
Take one final round of breath, allowing this gratitude to settle in.
And when you are ready, begin to bring yourself back to the space around you. When it is comfortable for you, open your eyes, taking a moment to acknowledge the feeling of peace that has settled in. Maybe take this opportunity to repeat the affirmation one final time.
I am grateful for today.
Thank you for joining me today. It means so much to me that you would choose to spend a few minutes of your day here. Consider leaving a review or a rating if you enjoyed this practice. That helps others to find the meditations more easily. Maybe consider sharing this practice with a friend. And as always, thank you for helping me to spread the word that a few minutes of meditation really can make a difference.
Until next week...