Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast-paced world.
If you have been feeling stressed, overwhelmed or even disconnected, you're in the right place. If you are focusing on personal growth, committing to a consistent self-care plan, or even making an effort to reconnect with yourself, you're in the right place. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to tend to your own needs. These short, soothing meditations can help.
Meditation doesn't have to be intimidating. Anyone can do it. Give it a try. Most of these meditations are around 8 minutes and will help you feel calmer. Relax into this award winning guided meditation podcast led by mental health therapist and coach, Hannah Castillo. You'll love the sense of calm that exists within.
Note: try listening with headphones/airpods for an even better experience
For more information, visit https://loveyourcalm.buzzsprout.com
Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Caring for You: A Meditation to Honor Your Well-Being
Hello and Welcome!
This week's meditation is a chance to honor the importance of self-care.
This short practice encourages you to take a few minutes to recognize the importance of self-care and to release any guilt you may feel about setting aside some time for yourself.
Self-care is an essential. Start here. Start now, with this short meditation.
For more information about Hannah Castillo and her meditation practice visit the website at https://www.love-your-calm.com
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You can also hear more of Hannah's meditations on the Aura app.
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Hannah Castillo: Welcome to the Love your Calm podcast. Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast paced world.
Hello and welcome. Thank you for being here today. Whether this is your first time listening or you've been tuning in every week, I'm so happy you're here. My name is Hannah and it is my goal to help people all around the world experience the difference that including meditation in their day can make.
This week's practice is focused on taking a moment to honor the importance of self care.
So let's get started.
Begin by finding a position that feels comfortable for you. You can choose to remain seated, feet flat on the ground, spine lengthened, or you may feel comfortable sitting cross legged today or maybe even lying down. Whatever feels most comfortable for you. Once you've settled in, consider closing your eyes if that is comfortable for you or maybe just soften your gaze.
When you're ready, I invite you to begin to turn your attention to your breath. Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale completely through your mouth, releasing any tension from your body.
As you settle into this moment, allow your breath to flow naturally, inhaling and exhaling with the natural rhythm of your breath. With each breath, feel yourself becoming more present, more aware of the space around you.
Take a moment here to acknowledge the importance of self care, to recognize that taking this time for yourself is not a luxury, something that you fit in when everything falls into place. Instead it is a necessity, something we all need.
With each inhale, invite a sense of compassion for yourself. With every exhale, let go of any feelings of guilt or obligation.
I invite you to begin to think about what self care means to you. It might be moments of stillness or maybe engaging in a favorite hobby, or it could simply mean allowing yourself to rest. Give yourself permission to consider how you feel after taking time to engage in any of these activities.
As you continue to breathe naturally, consider saying to yourself softly, I honor my needs, I deserve this time.
I honor my needs, I deserve this time.
Let these affirmations settle in, affirming your commitment to prioritize the self care in your life.
The next inhale, imagine filling your body with self love and kindness and on the exhale release any self judgment or criticism.
Allow your breath to continue to nourish you, creating space for healing and renewal.
Take a couple of breaths here on your own, allowing these minutes of self care to fill you, to recharge you. Feel the warmth of compassion wrapping around you, reminding you that it's okay to take a break.
When you are ready, allow your awareness to begin to come back to the space around you. Take any movements you may need, and when it feels comfortable for you, slowly open your eyes. As you move through your day, carry this reminder with you that you have the power to nurture yourself and that it is essential essential for your well being.
Thank you for joining me today for allowing me to guide you through this short practice. It means so much to me that you're here. If you found this practice helpful, I would love it if you could take a minute to leave a review, maybe even share this practice with a friend. That's the best way for a small podcast like this one to continue to grow. And as always, thank you for helping me spread the word that including a few minutes of meditation in your day really can make a difference.
Until next week...