Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast-paced world.
If you have been feeling stressed, overwhelmed or even disconnected, you're in the right place. If you are focusing on personal growth, committing to a consistent self-care plan, or even making an effort to reconnect with yourself, you're in the right place. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to tend to your own needs. These short, soothing meditations can help.
Meditation doesn't have to be intimidating. Anyone can do it. Give it a try. Most of these meditations are around 8 minutes and will help you feel calmer. Relax into this award winning guided meditation podcast led by mental health therapist and coach, Hannah Castillo. You'll love the sense of calm that exists within.
Note: try listening with headphones/airpods for an even better experience
For more information, visit https://loveyourcalm.buzzsprout.com
Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Reflecting on Relationships: Acknowledging the Power of Connection
Hello and Welcome!
This week's short guided meditation encourages you to spend a few minutes reflecting on the connections in your life.
In today's face paced, digital world it is easy to feel disconnected or even lonely at times. To lose site of the fact that we are all connected and part of a a larger community.
Spend a few minutes today reflecting on the the connections in your life. This short practice will help you feel more relaxed and uplifted.
For more information about Hannah Castillo and her meditation practice visit the website at https://www.love-your-calm.com
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You can also hear more of Hannah's meditations on the Aura app.
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Hannah Castillo: Welcome to the Love your Calm podcast. Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast-paced world.
Hello and welcome. My name is Hannah and I want to start today by saying thank you.
Whether you're tuning in for the first time or have been tuning in every week since the first episode, thank you. Thanks for choosing to spend a part of your day here practicing a few minutes of meditation with me.
This week's practice is focused on connection. Human connection has been shown to be an important part of our overall well-being. But sometimes in this busy, digital world, it's easy to feel disconnected or even lonely. Today I invite you to spend a few minutes here with me reflecting on the connections in your life.
Let's get started.
Take a moment to find a position that feels comfortable for you today. You can take any movements you may need to help you settle into this practice. If it feels good for you today, you can close your eyes or maybe soften your gaze.
Let's take one intentional breath here together. Inhale through your nose, feeling your lungs fill complete. And exhale slowly through your mouth, sighing out any worries or stress you may be holding. Allow your breath to continue here on its own, finding its natural rhythm.
I invite you to begin to shift your awareness to the concept of connection. Think of all the people who play a role in your life. Family, friends, and even those you encounter as you go through your day.
Take a moment to consider how each of these relationships, or even interactions has the potential to contribute to your sense of belonging.
Inhale deeply here, inviting in the warmth of these connections. Feeling this warmth begin to spread through your body and on your exhale, release any feelings of separation or loneliness.
Remind yourself that just as you seek connection, so do others. You are a part of a larger community, intertwined with so many hearts, filled with so many stories.
Take a moment to bring to mind someone special to you. Silently send them your love, your appreciation. Recognize the bond that you share and feel this connection strengthening with each breath. As you continue to breathe, widen your awareness to include your community and maybe even the world. Beginning to embrace the idea that we are all together in this journey, each of us contributing in our own unique way. Take a couple of rounds of breath here, feeling the energy of this connection wrapping around you, comforting you, reminding you that you are not alone.
When you feel ready, slowly begin to bring your attention back to the space around you. Take all the time you need and slowly in your own time, gently open your eyes. Carry this sense of connection with you as you return to your day as a reminder that you are not alone.
Thank you so much for joining me today for this short meditation. I love the idea of people all around the world meditating together, each of us connected through this practice. If you enjoyed this meditation, take a minute to share it with someone who may also find it helpful. Share it on your social media, and if you do, remember to tag me so I can say thanks. And maybe even leave a review. All of these are ways that you can help others find the practice and help this small podcast continue to grow.
And as always, thank you for helping me spread the word that a few minutes of meditation really can make a difference.
Until next week…