Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast-paced world.
If you have been feeling stressed, overwhelmed or even disconnected, you're in the right place. If you are focusing on personal growth, committing to a consistent self-care plan, or even making an effort to reconnect with yourself, you're in the right place. Sometimes it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day to tend to your own needs. These short, soothing meditations can help.
Meditation doesn't have to be intimidating. Anyone can do it. Give it a try. Most of these meditations are around 8 minutes and will help you feel calmer. Relax into this award winning guided meditation podcast led by mental health therapist and coach, Hannah Castillo. You'll love the sense of calm that exists within.
Note: try listening with headphones/airpods for an even better experience
For more information, visit https://loveyourcalm.buzzsprout.com
Love Your Calm: Mini Meditations
Cultivating Resilience in Times of Uncertainty: A Mini Meditation
Hello and Welcome!
There is a lot going on in the world right now. And there is no question that we are living in uncertain times. Uncertainty can bring so many emotions to the surface, so if you have been feeling unsettled, anxious or even overwhelmed, you are not alone.
This week's short guided meditation focuses on building resilience and connecting with your inner strength.
If you would like more tips to help you cultivate resilience and navigate uncertainty, check out this week's blog post at https://www.love-your-calm.com
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You can also hear more of Hannah's meditations on the Aura app.
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Hannah Castillo: Welcome to the Love Your Calm Podcast.
Mini meditations to help you slow down and find your balance in this fast-paced world.
Hello and welcome.
Thank you for being here today. My name is Hannah and you are listening to the Love Your Calm podcast. I'm so grateful you're here that you've decided to join me for a few minutes of meditation today.
There's a lot going on in the world right now. And there is no question that we are living in uncertain times. Uncertainty can feel uncomfortable, scary even overwhelming. So if you've been feeling this way, you are not alone. Let's take a few minutes today to come together in this practice.
Let's get started.
Begin by finding a comfortable position. Whether you choose to remain seated or even lying down, take a moment to get settled in to take any movements you may need to help prepare for this practice. When you are ready, gently close your eyes if that feels good for you, or maybe soften your gaze. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely, feeling your stomach rise and exhale slowly through your mouth, beginning to release any tension you may be holding.
Bring your awareness to your breath. Notice the natural rhythm of your breath as it begins to settle.
I invite you to allow your breath to anchor you here in this present moment, finding strength in its steady rhythm. Give yourself permission to begin to let go of any worries about the past or future.
As you ease into this practice, acknowledge the uncertainties that may surround you. It's natural to feel a range of emotions during challenging times.
With each inhale, invite in feelings of strength and stability.
With each exhale, release any fear or anxiety that may be weighing on you.
I invite you to begin to reflect on the resilience that exists within you. Bring to mind a time when you faced a challenge and emerged stronger. Recognize this inner strength. Acknowledge that this strength lives inside you, is part of you. Allow that feeling to fill you with warmth and confidence.
As you breathe evenly, take a moment to consider the resources you have available to you.
Maybe consider the support systems you have gained, the coping strategies you've developed, and the personal strengths you can utilize. With each breath, affirm your ability to adapt and navigate through uncertainty.
Maybe consider repeating this powerful affirmation to yourself.
I am strong and capable of navigating any uncertainty.
I am strong and capable of navigating any uncertainty.
Take one final round of breath here on your own, reminding yourself that while challenges may arise, you have the ability to face them with courage and grace.
When you are ready, begin to shift your awareness back to the space around you. Take any movements you may need, and when it is comfortable for you, slowly open your eyes, ready to return to your day with renewed strength.
Thank you for joining me today for this short meditation. It really means so much to me that you are here. Don't forget to hit subscribe, or follow wherever you're listening. That way you won't miss out on next week's practice. If you found this meditation helpful, share it with a friend, or maybe even two.
Together we can help this small podcast grow and help those ripples of calm spread.
And as always, thank you for helping me spread the word that a few minutes of meditation really can make a difference.
Until next week…